Wednesday 2 February 2011

Creating the Set

  With the concept and storyboard in place, it was now time to start progressing with the scenes creation. The hallway and the end  "Graphics Specialist" room are the two most important areas, as the character will be directly interacting within them. Therefore I have decided to recreate them as accurately as possible through use of reference photos and phyisical measurements.

Using 3ds Max's Unit Setup, I have specified that all models should be measured in meters. 1 Unit = 1 Meter. This will allow my real world measurements to be accurately implemented on the 3D models within the software.

The assets on the left will be objects that the character will be directly interacting with (turning the chair, pressing the keyboard) so I was certain that a high level of detail should be portrayed; especially for close-up shots. Of course, assets like these can be duplicated around the room in a quick and efficient manner to help populate the environment. As can be seen in the picture, I simply created a Box, scaled it correctly, and then used the Unwrap UVW modifier. Using Photoshop, I cropped a reference picture and fitted it to the UVW template, giving me a simple yet effectively textured model.

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